A custom implementation of an Information System or a Quality System always involves a
high cost.
Managers' choice is often directed towards short-term plans. However the average assessment in tangible and intangible capital investment presented to companies after three to four years of activity dissociating the two projects, will work out twise as expensive, if not more highest as originally estimated compared with merged projects.
The process followed by us and our partners is included in the time estimate. It can be structured around a project of progressive modular or global computerisation. It aims to achieve economy of resources (financial, human, material, and technical) and their adaptation to the needs of the chosen objectives and of the economic environment of the company.
Your core work is not affected, and thus the computer system to connect
under secure conditions, taking into account that personnel must adapt to the
new device, will aim at :
- Aligning your strategy policy and quality with quality objectives defined in term of results and means. It takes into account the level of integration and the desired deployment of your information system, of the resources and competences available as well as deadlines,
- Managing in real-time your internal and external flows, in products and/or services, customers and/or providers,
- Planning and managing your production, your logistic flows, your maintenance of equipment and devices calibration,
- Ensuring availability in real-time of economic and financial indicators,
- Capitalising your know-how, the performance indicators, the organisational and operational resources related to the Quality System,
- Monitoring the management of your human resources (wage costs, training, annual interviews, competence based assessment),
- Expanding the availability of personnel in order to consolidate and enrich the activities of proximity directed towards customers or the organisation internally,
- Iincreasing efficiency in managing the above-mentioned processes because of their integration through a co-operative computer system, deployed and run in real-time.
The entire system can be maintained remotely by internal/external monitoring resources in order to ensure a continuous operation.
We act as project manager in Quality Management, or even employer on certain components, by integrating partners that are experts in the field according to the type of project.